Aimless repping no longer cuts in. If you want to make the most of your gym time, get scientific about your workouts. Let's face it- we've been doing the same, old flat bench presses since Day 1. Going in there every Monday, all hyped up for chest day and simply doing 20 sets on the bench isn't going to get you the look you're aiming for.
Contrary to common beliefs, there is no 'upper' chest, 'lower' chest, 'mid' chest and so on, anatomically. The chest is made up of 2 muscles- the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor. The diagram below depicts where they're situated. In a way, the pectoralis major is above the minor.
Here are 5 TIPS to help you build a WIDER, THICKER UPPER CHEST:
1. "Feel the stretch"
Yeah, you've probably heard your bros give you this advice. But, it's not just broscience. Half-repping, is like doing your work half-assed. You only get half the results. Or in this case no results.
Muscles grow when they are exposed to stress. This stimulus is required. Half reps on the bench press often deprive you of that "stretch" that can be felt at the bottom of the eccentric (going down) movement.
How much can you lift, when you're doing Dumbbell Flies? Now picture the 225 you did on the flat bench. It's simple bro- heavier the weights, the better the hormonal response. Heavier lifts equals higher testosterone and growth hormone secretions
Don't get me wrong. Isolation is great for when you're trying to get cut for the summer. When it comes to mass, however, you've got to lift heavy.
"Train heavy. Eat big." This bring me to my next point.
3. Quit eating like a Pigeon
You'll never get those thick vascular pecs, if you're 120 at 6'. I mean c'mon, if you really wanna grow, diet like you mean it!
Talking about diets, did you know that nearly 80% of your body composition results depend on your diet? Grab a FREE copy of our E-Book "Nutrition and Recover 101" and get the results you're looking for. You owe yourself this book!

4. Train Legs!
Alright, you think I'm nuts. Legs and chest- what's the relation? Stay with me on this brah.
Heavy compounds like the squat and deadlift have a crazy hormonal response form your body. In the longer scheme of things, it is these increased levels of testosterone an GH that will help promote muscular growth.
5. Dumbbells over Barbell Presses
The Barbell Bench Press is great! However, if you have any muscular imbalances, or are looking for a little more definition, Dumbbell Presses are the way to go.
From personal experience, and yes this is just broscience, I feel that it is much harder to cheat reps with heavy dumbbells than it is with a bar, so Dumbbell Presses really help zero in on the pecs and help you build a much better defined chest.
Happy Lifting,
Admin- LiftFit

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