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Why you should START WORKING OUT! 6 Mind Opening Reasons

We all have that one friend who constantly keep reminding us that he’s a gym ‘addict’ and how much he loves being one- just a scroll though his Instagram profile, and we know he loves his training sessions. While he might come across as cocky, to the average guy, he’s not lying! Studies have shown that any form of regular exercise results in a general positive boost in mood. This brings me to the first of six reasons why you should bid adieu to your excuses and start working out ASAP:

1.       Psychological Benefits: Chemicals called endorphins are released in your body when you exercise. These endorphins react with your brain to produce a ‘euphoric’ feeling similar to that of injecting morphine. The feeling after a workout or run, often known as a ‘runner’s high’ gives you a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction, resulting in an overall positive approach to life. In simple words, regular exercise makes you feel amazing!

Research has even pointed out the effectiveness of exercise as a cure for mild to moderate depression. If you’re someone who’s been going through a rough patch in life, fitness sure might help you find your inner peace.

2.       Successful Habits: What part of setting new goals and working hard to achieve them doesn’t resonate with successful traits. Whether you’re trying to smash a new Bench Press PR or trying to shoot for a better one mile timing, by defining goals and working hard to achieve them you are setting yourself up for success- not just at the gym, but in the real world too. Give yourself a pat on the back and keep going!

Waking up early for a great cardio session doesn’t just help you get toned down. During the first 20 minutes after you wake up, your brain is operating and 10.5 wave cycles a minute- it’s when your subconscious mind is most impressionable. What you do at the start of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Hurrying to work sipping a can of Monster is not the most optimal way to start off the day. Instead, being up early, planning out your day, getting in a quick exercise session mentally prepares you for an active, focused day ahead.

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3.       Confidence: It’s not uncommon to see people training hard, with the sole purpose of trying to impress others, especially those of the opposite gender, with their newly toned physique. Many a times, these people are successful at grabbing the attention of others around them. While most of us may think that it’s just the looks that’s making him or her stand out, this is not the case.

Fitness is one of the things where putting in determination, hard work and dedication almost always results in something coming out the other end sooner or later. It is this sense of achievement and personal satisfaction that instills confidence in one, which ultimately helps you be a better version of yourself not just at the gym, but in all aspects of life.

4.       Naturally control health conditions: There’s one thing that’s common in almost every relative and acquaintance I know above the age of forty- they all suffer from some form or the other of heart disease, unhealthy hormonal levels, unhealthy cholesterol levels and several other maladies. But you know what else is common to all of them? Never in my lifetime have I seen any of them engage in any form of moderate to intense exercise.

Now, I don’t want to sell you the wrong ideology that just about any form of exercise will keep your free from all diseases, especially those that you genetically inherit. Also, in today’s world, we inhale and ingest a lot of stuff that’s not good for us and although essential, just exercise will not keep you away from its consequences.

That being said, here’s what exercise can do for your health:
-          Boost high density lipoproteins AKA “good cholesterol”.
-          Decrease triglycerides, which is the main form in which out body stores fat.
-          Better endurance levels.
-          Better sleep.
-          Healthier skin.
-          Prevents chances of heart disease, and a lot more great stuff!

A meta-study conducted on a total of over 340,000 participants revealed that “no statistically detectable differences existed between those who exercised regularly and those who were given medications for the prevention on coronary heart disease and prediabetes.” This clearly proves that exercise does help prevent early stages of health conditions.

5.       Longevity: A study conducted on 660,000 Americans aged 21 to 98, revealed that those who engaged in the recommended level of physical activity were 31 percent less likely to die during the period of the study. Again, I don’t want to sell you a dogmatic idea; a bit of exercise does not stop you from dying. Death is inevitable. Does exercise, coupled with an overall healthy lifestyle improve your longevity? Yes.

6.       Prevents Cognitive Decline: Most people today associate fitness and health merely with physical looks. Yes, regular exercise keeps you in shape; but is that all it does? No. Exercise has mental benefits too!

Let’s face it. As we age, our brains do get a little hazy. While exercise can’t stop any serious brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and ADHD it can definitely slow down the process of cognitive decline. Exercise facilitates blood flow all over the body, including our brains. The release of certain neurotransmitters prevent the degradation of the hippocampus, an important part of brain essential for memory and learning, as we age.

Happy Lifting,

Shaumik Saha

DM me on my Instagram/ Snapchat for FREE Training/ Diet Advice.


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