As gym trainees and passionate fitness enthusiasts we all
know the importance of a well-balanced physique. However, let’s face it- if
there’s one thing that clearly makes you stand out from the average dude, in
public, it is a pair of well-built arms. Having full looking, defined biceps and
triceps is like a huge bonus when it comes to overall aesthetics.
Here is some information to help you step up your bicep
training game. Stay tuned on my blog for an upcoming article on tricep
Biceps Anatomy:
The Bicep is a muscle on the front part of the upper arm. It
consists of the biceps brachii and
the brachialis, connected to the humerus (upper arm bone) by tendons. The
biceps brachii is made up of a short head (inner-side of the bicep peak) and a
long head (outer side of the peak). The brachialis
situated slightly deeper.
Training both heads as well as the brachialis is extremely
important for fuller more aesthetic arms.
5 Effective Bicep
1. Standing Barbell Curl: Nothing new. I’m
sure you’ve heard of it. A large percentage of gym goers perform this exercise,
with an even larger percentage doing it the wrong way- that’s the reason why
most guys never get those 18 inches of sheer aesthetics. With your hands shoulder-width apart, grip a
barbell with an underhand grip. Stand straight up with your shoulders squared
and with your feet shoulder-width apart. Let the bar hang down at arm's length
in front of you, with your arms, shoulders and hands in a straight line.
WITHOUT leaning back or swinging the weight, curl the bar up toward your chest
in an arc. Keep your elbows in the same place and close to your sides. Bring
the weight up as high as you can and squeeze the biceps at the top. Lower the
weight slowly, resisting all the way down until your arms are nearly straight.
2. Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls: One
of my personal favorites. Performing it seated prevents any form of cheating or
jerking to get the weight up. Using a dumbbell helps focus specifically on each
bicep and better overall symmetry. Sit upright on a bench with a backrest and
let the dumbbells hang down on either side. Alternatively bring each dumbbell
up as high as you can and squeeze the biceps at the top. Lower the weight
slowly and feel the ‘stretch’.
3. Incline Dumbbell Curls: A harder
variation of the above exercise, I this one is great for totally zeroing down
on the bicep. Sit back on an incline bench and let the dumbbell hang down on
either side. Alternatively bring each dumbbell up and squeeze the bicep. Lower
the weight slowly.
4. Zottman Curls: While most bicep
exercises focus on the biceps brachii, I think the brachialis is wrongly
neglected. Zottman curls are great for training the brachialis. Curl the weigth
up with a supinated grip (palms facing up) and bring it down with a pronated
grip (palms facing down) as much as possible.
5. Bicep 21s on the Cable Machine: This is
great finisher to a bicep workout. 7 reps on the lower range of motion; 7 reps on
the upper range of motion, 7 reps with the full range of motion and you’re
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