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5 MUST KNOW Fitness tips for Beginners!

1.       Don’t fall for any of the B.S. out there: There’s no doubt about the fact that this must be at the top of this list. As a newbie, you will tend to look around for information on various media. The fact that you don’t know much about what you’re doing is going to make you easy prey for all the scams out there. I’m not going to meander around the issue, but rather get right into it. Let me put this straight- I’m talking about the so called ‘magical’ weight loss products, ‘secret’ training techniques, ‘best’ exercises and any product/ program with the word ‘shortcut’ on it. Like most other good things in life, that summer body you’re aiming for ain’t going to come in easy. Make fitness a habit, find a regime you love and work to make those dreams a reality.

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2.       Eat right: I cannot emphasize on this enough. Diet like you mean it! When was the last time you saw one of your friends claiming to be on ‘a diet’ and then binging on a pizza the very next day? You have got to put in the effort to stay committed to your goals. Now, I’m not going to be an a-hole and tell you to eat like a patient for the rest of your life. Flexible dieting does have its place, but binging on cookies, ice creams and pizzas every day, will NOT work. Try maintaining that 80-20 ratio between clean foods and your favorite snacks.

Want to know more about flexible dieting and being able to get shredded while eating junk every now and then? Reach out to me to know more about how you can set up a diet plan with the right macro nutrient ratio to continue burning fat fast as hell, while still eating your favorite foods.
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3.       Basic Compound lifts: If you’re a newbie at the gym and do not have access to a trainer or a more experienced friend to help your out try sticking to the basic old-school compound movements such as the bench press, deadlift, squat, pull ups and maybe a few isolation movements here and there. Any complex techniques such as drop-sets, super-sets, or anything else you read about in those bodybuilding magazines and online forums may not be a good place to start off from, especially if you don’t have any idea what you’re doing.

4.       Kill your Ego and DO IT THE RIGHT WAY: I’ve seen tons of people absolutely sabotaging their gains by walking in on the first day and going to the far end of the dumbbell rack and trying to curl with some heavy assed weights. I must confess- when I started out a couple of years ago, this is what I would do. What did I get in return? I had to deal with issues such as tendonitis, petichiae, muscle cramps, etc. I’m sure you know what I mean.
Especially if your goal is to get lean and shredded with good muscle definition, you must focus on the correct form, right posture and feeling that ‘pump’ in your muscles; not trying to move around heavy assed weights to impress the guy next to you. He doesn’t care and neither should you.

5.       Don’t be Intimidated: “I wish my arms were as big as his.” “I wish I could bench six plates.” “I wish I had glutes as good as hers.” “Why aren’t my abs as good as hers.”  If these are the type of thoughts that run through your mind when you’re at the gym, STOP! Take a deep breath and remember that the only person you should be better than is the person you were yesterday. As cheesy as that may sound, it’s true. I think fitness is more about being a better version of yourself first. Track your progress and keep pushing. You will get to where you want to get.

Happy Lifting,

Shaumik Saha

DM me on my Instagram/ Snapchat for FREE Training/ Diet Advice.


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